Proving Yourself in Proving Grounds
This PTR build of patch 5.4 introduced a long-awaited feature to the game: Proving Grounds! Proving Grounds are solo scenarios where a level 90 player can test their skill in their chosen role against wave after wave of enemies that get progressively harder.
• As a DPS, your job is to kill the mobs before the next wave spawns. It’s just you and your toolbox of spells and abilities to burn them down, interrupt their heals, and keep yourself alive.
• As a tank, your job is to protect your NPC healer by picking up the mobs as best you can, interrupting them, and using your own cooldowns to survive.
• As a healer, your job is to keep your party alive. Your party is a team of NPCs – a warrior tank, an assassination rogue, a hunter and a mage. The AI is pretty smart — they are good about interrupting and focus firing — while still being realistic in the sense that they are occasionally being slow to get out of fire or meandering out of your healing range. You’ll need to do a lot of healing and dispelling here.
If you fail in your role objective, you get a failure message and the mobs despawn and you have to talk to the NPC to start again at wave 1. If you get “killed,” you are actually just reduced to 1 healthpoint – so no death repair bills! You do take wear-and-tear durability damage, though, and there is an NPC inside the instance who can repair you.
Proving Grounds can serve several useful functions:
- First and foremost: it is something fun to do!
- It gives new players a safe but real-time environment to practice their skills and improve their play. Whether you’re new to the game or just new to a role, PGs are a wonderful place to hone your skills without worrying about irritating or — worse — killing four other players in the process.
- If gives players a place to test out particular talents, glyphs, as well as fiddle with their addons and keybinds.
Gear Scaling
To make sure Proving Grounds are a challenge of skill and not of who simply has the best gear, all equipment is scaled down in a similar fashion to Challenge Modes.
- Gear scales to ilvl 463
- Gems do not scale
- Set bonuses do not count
Unlike Brawler’s Guild where players can hit a ceiling on their success because their gear is subpar (or get further because great gear gives them more margin for error), the equalised equipment means ranking accurately reflects true skill. Of course, if you’re exclusively a tank or healer, you probably can’t do Brawler’s Guild at all.
You can use flasks and foods, but not potions; they say they didn’t want you to have to bring stacks and stacks of pots just to make it through. There is a soulwell for health cookies, though!
There is also a reforger NPC in case you need to make any gear tweaks, and a vendor who sells Tomes of the Clear Mind so you can adjust your talents and glyphs as much as you need.
First the obligatory disclaimer – All of this can change! Proving Grounds are a brand new feature and it’s possible Blizzard may shift their goals with what they want with them. Additionally, right now the tuning on the PTR is really easy — far below what I was told was intended (and what I outlined below). It is likely untuned right now, but being the PTR I imagine they will be tweaking them quiet a bit over the next month or so. Give them a try, leave feedback on the tuning whether you prefer it harder or easier.
You begin with bronze mode. The plan is for bronze to be tuned to a player ready to step into heroic 5-mans, so this should be easy for just about everyone.
After you beat bronze, you can step into Silver. If you’re a normal mode raider, you should be able to make it through this level, with maybe some difficulties in the final waves.
After that comes Gold. Beating gold is intended to reflect comparable skills to a player that is ready to raid heroics. Expect to use your whole toolbox to make it through Gold.
After you beat Gold, you are eligible to try Endless mode. Endless mode, as the name implies, has unlimited waves of increasing difficulty. Each wave does a percentage more damage and has an equal percentage more health than the one before it.
Your furthest wave will be tracked so you can come back try to beat your high score later, and so you can compete with your friends. Although there are no in-game leaderboards like for Challenge modes, this information is tracked in your character statistics and can be pulled up in the armory, so expect third party sites to run rankings eventually.
There are achievements for reaching each rank in each role, as well as surviving 20 waves into Endless. There will be titles, as well. “[Name] the Proven [Healer / Tank / Damage Dealer]” probably earned by completing Gold for a given role.
Perhaps later other rewards will be implemented, but that’s it for now.
I got the opportunity to test Proving Grounds a couple weeks early thanks to an awesome dev (thanks Celestalon), but now they are a little more polished and available for everyone to try. Just speak to your class trainer* or the NPC in the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun Lai Summit to be sent in.
* NYI this build – go to Kun Lai
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